Saturday, April 9, 2011

Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction (SPD)

Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction causes pain in the groin, hip, and pelvis area. It also can
cause hamstring pain. Experts disagree about the exact cause but hormones, misalignment
of the pelvis, and previous injuries are three of the proposed causes.
Whatever the cause, spd is painful! Walking, sitting, and sex can all be painful. Here are
some tips to keep it from getting worse.
• Sit to pull on pants.
• Avoid standing on one foot. (This includes the picking up toys with your toe trick that
all mamas know!)
• Sleep with a pillow between your legs and a pillow supporting your baby bump.
• Take care when rolling over in bed. Ask your partner to help you roll over.
• Avoid stairs when possible.
• Avoid lifting over 10 to 15 pounds.
• Ask your health care provider for temporary handicapped tags for your car and use
• Try a belly band. (These can be found online or at most maternity shops.)
• Some severe cases are helped by the use of elbow crutches.
• Kegels help tone those internal muscles and are important both before and after
Some pain coping ideas:
• Ice: Freeze a 20 ounce plastic water or soda bottle, keep a few of these going in your
freezer so you won't be without. Simply put it between your legs when you are
sitting. Wrap it in a towel if it's too cold.
• Heat: Fill a large sock 2/3 full of rice. Tie a knot at the end. Place a mug of water and
the sock in a microwave for 2 to 3 minutes. (The water prevents the rice from
getting to hot and catching on fire.) If you don't have a microwave, you can heat it in
an oven on the lowest heat setting. Watch it carefully.
• Chiropractic care is helpful to some. For others it is not helpful. It is important to find
a chiropractor who is used to working on pregnant women.
• Physical therapy or massage is also helpful to some. Again it is important to find a
practitioner who is familiar with the pregnant body.
It is good to find a chair that you can sit in comfortably. Better still if that chair can be
moved easily from place to place. Look for something that supports your back but takes
the pressure off of your pelvis. Fold up camping chairs are sometimes good for this as well
as butterfly chairs or Adirondack chairs. Avoid sitting on the ground. Avoid lotus position.
During the birth of your baby it is important that your birth team knows your limitations. It
is important that nobody spreads your legs out too far damaging your pelvis more.
If the pain persists beyond the early post postpartum days it is important to get treatment.
As stated above, many women find relief from chiropractic care or physical therapy. An
Osteopathic doctor can also help. Mayan abdominal massage has also been reported to
help many women.

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